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하느님은 절대로 우리를 버리지 않으신다. 우리가 하느님을 등지고 버리지! God does not abandon us, but, we do it Him !<1973-1975 영문>

글 : Msgr. Byon

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God do not abandon us! Never He forget us ! Absolutely He does not leave of absence from us, even if we are leading a life of nuclear bomb on the head, devoting ourselves to serve it much more than us and God with nuclear faith ! We, human kind refuse Him, forgetting Him, abandoning Him, and, leaving from Him ! But, God do not abandon us! Never He forget us ! He is with us in us, for us, and, for all the others in all over the world ! - Ubi Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ibi Jesus Christus, Filius Dei nobiscum est !
!<1973-1975 , 월남 종전 영자신문>
- Msgr. Byon -

God do not abandon us! Never He forget us ! Absolutely He does not leave of absence from us ! We, human kind refuse Him, forgetting Him, abandoning Him, and, leaving from Him ! He is with us in us, for us, and, for all the others in all over the world ! Be sure ! God does not abandon us, but, we do it Him!

Ubi Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, 

ibi Jesus Christus, Filius Dei nobiscum est ! 


하느님은 절대로 우리 인간들을 버리지 않으십니다.

우리 인간들이 하느님을 등지고 버릴 뿐입니다.

우리 인간들이 아무리 죄가 많고 잘못이 크더라도,

하느님은 결코 우리 인간들을 버리실 수가 없으며,

절대로 우리 인간들을 잊어버리지 않으시고,

죄많은 우리 인간들을 내버리시는 법이 없읍니다.

다만 우리 인간들이 하느님을 잊어버리고, 아주 등지고, 외면하며,

하느님을 져버리고 떠나는 것 뿐입니다.

God do not abandon us! Never He forget us ! Absolutely He does not leave of absence from us, even if we are leading a life of nuclear bomb on the head, devoting ourselves to serve it much more than us and God with nuclear faith ! We, human kind refuse Him, forgetting Him, abandoning Him, and, leaving from Him ! But, God do not abandon us! Never He forget us !  He is with us in us, for us, and, for all the others in all over the world ! - 

Ubi Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, 

ibi Jesus Christus, Filius Dei nobiscum est ! - Msgr. Byon - 


God do not abandon us! Never He forget us ! Absolutely He does not leave of absence from us ! We, human kind refuse Him, forgetting Him, abandoning Him, and, leaving from Him ! He is with us in us, for us, and, for all the others in all over the world ! 

Ubi Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ibi Jesus Christus, Filius Dei nobiscum est !

- Msgr. Byon - 


1973년  동남아 종전선언과 1975년 월남 종식


입력 : 2018.07.28 오전 10:01:53
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