Papa Francesco: il clericalismo deforma la Chiesa; Laici sono protagonisti della Chiesa;
-<2016-04-26 Vatican Radio>
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-Msgr. Byon
No.299 |
«Il clericalismo è “frutto di un modo sbagliato di vivere l’ecclesiologia proposta dal Vaticano II” ed è “una delle deformazioni più grandi che l’America Latina deve affrontare». Lo ha ricordato Papa Francesco in una lettera al cardinale Marc Ouellet, presidente della Pontificia Commissione per l’America Latina, frutto del suo incontro il 4 marzo scorso con i partecipanti alla plenaria dell’organismo che si è svolta sul tema “L’indispensabile impegno dei laici nella vita pubblica” dei Paesi latinoamericani.
-Pope Francis: Clericalism distorts the Church- <2016-04-26 Vatican Radio>
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said Tuesday that the clergy should serve lay people and not make use of them and spoke out against clericalism, calling it one of the greatest distortions affecting the Church in Latin America. His comments came in a wide-ranging letter reflecting on the role of the laity that was addressed to Cardinal Marc Ouellet, President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.
We must remember, he said, that as clergy we all began our lives as lay people and that “we’d do well to recall that the Church is not an elite of priests, of consecrated people, of bishops but all of us make up the faithful and Holy People of God.”
Turning to the issue of clericalism, the Pope said he considered it the outcome of “a mistaken way of living out the ecclesiology proposed by the Second Vatican Council” and described clericalism as “one of the greatest distortions affecting the Church in Latin America.” He said clericalism has many negative impacts such as wiping out the personality of Christians and causing a belittling of the grace of our baptism that the Holy Spirit has placed in the hearts of lay people. Clericalism, he reminded, “forgets that the visibility and the sacramentality of the Church belong to all the people of God and not just to an illuminated and elected few.”
On the positive side, Pope Francis noted that Latin America is characterized by many examples of popular ministry and piety, saying it is one of the few spaces where the laity (including their pastors) and the Holy Spirit have been able to come together without clericalism which he said “seeks to control and put a brake on this anointment by God of the faithful.” He warned that this popular ministry “has its limits” and can sometimes lead to distortions of religion but said if it is "steered properly" it can generate many excellent human values such as generosity, devotion, sacrifice and openness to the
Pope Francis spoke of the importance of giving encouragement and support to the efforts of the lay faithful who work in the public sphere but at the same time stressed “it is not the job of the pastor to tell the lay people what they must do and say” in those situations, adding “they know more and better than us.” “It’s illogical and even impossible,” he continued, “for us as pastors to believe that we have the monopoly on solutions for the numerous challenges thrown up by contemporary life.”
In conclusion, the Pope reiterated that the lay faithful are the protagonists of the Church and the world and stressed that “we are called to serve them, not to make use of them.” (From Radio Vaticana)
Pope Audience: Gossip kills, God is truth
In his Catechesis devoted to the eighth commandment, Pope Francis told pilgrims in St Peter’s Square on Wednesday that Christians are called to be “truthful not only in our words but in our entire way of acting towards others.” Speaking at his weekly General Audience, the Pope said that, “our ultimate model in this regard is Jesus himself. He is the truth in person who, at his trial before Pilate, revealed that he came into this world to testify to the truth.”
Where there is a lie there is no love
When a person is not communicating authentically, underlined the Pontiff, it is a serious matter because it inhibits relationships and therefore inhibits love. “Where there is a lie, he continued, there is no love. "
Beware of Gossip
Gossiping, Pope Francis pointed out, kills. It kills, he explained, “because the tongue kills, like a knife.” Be careful, the Pope added, the gossip “is a terrorist because he or she throws a bomb and leaves.” “Christians are not exceptional men and women, said the Pope, “we are, however, children of our heavenly Father, who is good and does not disappoint us, and places in our hearts the love for our brothers and sisters.”
God is truth
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour” he stressed, means living as children of God, acting in accordance with his will and trusting in him. “It bids us live this new life to the full, and thus to bear true witness to God’s saving love, made incarnate in the humanity of Christ our Lord. "I trust God”, concluded Pope Francis, “ this is the great truth."
Cardinal Filoni calls on Angolan Bishops to cultivate unity
English Africa Service– Vatican City
Agenzia Fides reports that while visiting Angola’s ecclesiastical province of Saurimo on the second day of his pastoral visit to Angola, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples has called on the Bishops of the Province to be "united and supportive” of each other and to consolidate the spirit of ecclesial and fraternal communion.
Church in Angola is lively, dynamic and busy
Saurimo is the capital of the Lunda Sul province of Angola. The ecclesiastical province of Saurimo is located in the northeastern part of the country and encompasses the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saurímo; Dioceses of Dundo and Lwena
"The Church in Angola is becoming increasingly lively, dynamic, busy and constantly growing as evidenced by the growing number of priests, local religious men and women, children of this land, and the progress of the process of rooting (the gospel locally). We see the creation of pastoral structures, and the organisation of your dioceses, the commitment of many lay people, especially catechists, in the field of evangelisation, the Sunday attendance of the faithful to Churches, their participation in the Sacraments and the solidarity demonstrated especially in times of difficulty," the Cardinal said.
Cardinal calls for close collaboration among Bishops
The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples advised the Episcopal communion to become more aware of the collegial dimension of the ministry entrusted to them. He told the Bishops, "together, and in close collaboration with one another, you can progress in the work of evangelisation."
Cardinal Filoni then focused on some pastoral priorities.
According to Agenzia Fides, the Cardinal told the Angolan Bishops that their pastoral priorities must include attention to priests, religious men and women, care for candidates to the priesthood and consecrated religious life, assistance and accompaniment of the laity, in particular, young people and families, through an integral and permanent formation.
(SL) (Agenzia Fides)