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Holy Father's Speech

Ghana 정부 내각의 다수가 그리스도교 신도들인데, 부정 부패는 왜 그칠줄 모르고 지속되는가 ?-가나의 타메일 대주교.

글 : Msgr. Byon

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아프리카 Ghana의 정부 내각의 다수가 가톨릭, 개신교, 등, 그리스도교 신도들인데, 국가의 부정 부패는 왜 그칠 줄 모르고 지속되는가 ? -가나의  타메일 대주교 -
Vatican Radio / Vatican & World news /
    어디, 아프리카 가나 정부 내각 뿐이랴 ? 대한민국도  건국 이래, 천주교 신도 대통령이 5명이나 된다(장면, 김대중, 노무현, 박근혜, 문재인). 또한 개신교 신도 출신도, 이승만, 김영삼, 이명박, 등 3명이나 된다. 불교신도 출신들(?)도 없지 않았다(박정희, 전두환, 노태우, 등),,,!
    그동안 무신론 공산주의를 배격하면서, 국민 선거제도를 지키며, 우리 대한민국의 자유 민주주의 체재 유지와 자유경제 제도 지속 및, 국토건설, 특히, 서울올림픽 유치 개최, 4대강 개발로 전천후 강산화, 등에 모두가 크게 기여한 정치가 들이다. 그런데 대개가 측근들이나 추종자들 중에 부정과 부패를 저지른 실무자들이 있어서 다소 오점을 남기고 있으나, 결국 모든 나라의 정치가들이 부정이나 부패에 물들어 있는 것은 전 국민들에게도 우선 그 책임이 없지 않다. 우리 모두가 냉엄하게 반성할 일이다. - Msgr. Byon- 
 Archbishop of Tamale, Philip Naameh (Courtesy of Ghana Catholic Standard)Archbishop of Tamale, Philip Naameh (Courtesy of Ghana Catholic Standard) AFRICA

아프리카 Ghana의 정부 내각의 다수가 그리스도교 신도들인데,
부정 부패는 왜 그칠줄 모르고 지속되는가 ?-가나의  타메일 대주교-
The Archbishop of Tamale and President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, Philip Naameh, is saddened by the prevalence of corruption in the country when Christians are, in fact, the majority.
English Africa Service - Vatican City
Ghana’s Radio Angelus says Archbishop Philip Naameh, President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Tamale is disturbed by the fact that “even though the Christian population is the largest in the Ghanaian political setting, corruption has become the order of day.”

Ghana has a Christian population of more than 70%

가나의 인구 70 %가 그리스도교 신도들이다.
According to statistics available, Christianity is the largest religion in terms of numbers with approximately 71.2% of Ghanaians professing membership with various Christian denominations. Archbishop Naameh wonders why then corruption in government and political institutions is rife.
“If we take politics as an example, our political landscape is full of Christians. We say we are 71 per cent but who are those doing the bribery and the corruption and the stealing of state money either for our families or for our individual needs or wants?” wondered Archbishop Naameh.

Distinguish yourself from those who do not know Christ

그리스도를 모르는 저들과 여러분들은 자신들을 구별해야 한다.
The Archbishop has challenged Catholics “to be very clear and to distinguish ourselves from those who do not know Christ...”
Archbishop Naameh further made a passionate plea for Christians in government to bear faithful Christian witness in their places of work. He urged Christians to transform the face of doing politics in Ghana by living according to the tenets of Christianity.

Ghana on the Corruption Perception Index

부패 소개.,,,.
In the 2019 worldwide Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released in January, this year, Ghana scored 41 out of a possible score of 100. Nevertheless, Ghana performed better than 37 other Sub-Saharan African countries.
The Corruption Perception Index scores and ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of corruption.  The Index put together by Transparency International (TI) ranks countries annually by their perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.
The Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), a local chapter of TI, which released the report recommended that “Government must take a critical look at elements that promote public sector corruption including patronage, clientelism, nepotism and suspiciously close ties between politics and business.”
입력 : 2020.06.05 오전 10:58:12
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