세계 인류의 자유와 번영을 위하여, 오늘날 소련의 러시아 푸틴 정권과 중국의 시진핑 공산당 정권은 강대국의 체면도 모르고, 무력으로 약소국을 점령 잠식하는 집단들이므로, 조속히 해체하여 분산시켜야 할 것이다. 또한 하느님도 바꾸거나 달리 고칠 수 없는 지나간 과거 역사를 뜯어고치고 개작하여 새로운 무력 침략 과 잠식을 뒷받침하려는 일본이나 중공이나 소련의 현 UN의 상임 이사국,등의 구조나 기능 제도는 즉시 해체 변경해야 하며, 저들, 소련, 중공, 일본은 현 국제연합에서 퇴출시켜야만 한다.마치 산적 떼들처럼 차라리, 정직하게,[산적 마적단 연맹]이나 하든지 말든지 하게 해야 한다. 그리고, 오래된 무기도 개조보완하듯, UN의 구조와 기능도 현대화하여, 지금은 즉시,새 UN 군을 결성하여, 人類 不幸의 大惡의 本山地 모스크바와 북경까지 진격하고,저들을 해방하여, 새 나라를 건설, 선량한 약소 국가들에게 더 이상의 피해 발생을 사전 예방해야 한다.
그러나 국가 명칭이나 민족의 호칭을 매스컴에서 주로 사용하는 것은 과용이며 남용이고 오용인 경우가 허다하다. 예컨데, 무신론 공산주의 사상이 큰 아들로 낳은 공산당과 둘째 아들이라고 볼 수 있는 노동당이나, 3대에 내려오면서 사회당이니,각종 연맹들이라고 부르는 자녀 조직체들이 많은데,모두가 명칭만 조금씩 다를 뿐 비슷비슷하면서도 좀 상이한듯 보이지만, 원인론적으로(aetiological), 내용과 본질, 동기와 목적을 통찰하면 같은 족속인 동족 집안의 가족들이다.그래서 결국 우리가 극복해야 할 투쟁의 대상은 예컨대,소련이나 중국깉은 나라들이 아니고, 소련인이나 중국인 같은 사람들이 아니라, 저들의 마음과 정신에 깃들어 있는 사상, 즉, [무신론 공산주의 사상]이다.그러므로 우리와 다른 국가나 국민들을 평가하거나 증오하지 말고, 저들의 생각과 말과 행동 속에 깃들어서 젖어 있는 틀리고 잘못된 공산주의 사상을 인정하거나 동조할 수는 없어도, 적어도 무엇인지 이해할 필요는 있다. -Msgr. Byon-
The front line of the battle field today in both of Ukuraine and of Russia
is that the same first line very soon in Taiwan and in North Korera, and that,
of course, same situation will be ours tomorrow in all over the world ! - Msgr. Byon -
The Pope and Zelenskyy speak by phone: “Deep pain for the war in Ukraine"
교황님, 질린스키 대통령과 핸드 폰으로 통화-[우크라인 전쟁에 깊은 고통 공감]!
Pope Francis on Saturday engaged in a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
In a statement, Holy See Press Office Director, Matteo Bruni, said the telephone call took place as dramatic news was coming in from the areas where war is raging and from Kyiv where street fighting has erupted in a battle for the capital.
A tweet from the Ukrainian Embassy to the Holy See said Pope Francis expressed his "most profound pain for the tragic events unfolding in our country.”
In another tweet, President Zelenskyy said:
“I thanked Pope Francis for praying for peace in Ukraine and a ceasefire. The Ukrainian people feel the spiritual support of His Holiness”.
It is the second day in a row that the Pope has used his Twitter account @Pontifex to forcefully affirm his “no to war” in Ukrainian and in Russian:
“Jesus teaches us to respond to the diabolical senseless of violence with God’s weapons: with prayer and fasting. May the Queen of peace preserve the world from the folly of war”.
The tweets, with the image of the crucified Christ, are accompanied by the #PrayTogether #Ukraine hashtags and they accompany us as we approach the Day of fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine called for by Pope Francis on 2 March, Ash Wednesday.
On Friday, in a tweet in Ukrainian and in Russian, the Pope recalled a quote from his encyclical Fratelli tutti:
“Every war leaves our world worse than it was before. War is a failure of politics and of humanity, a shameful capitulation, a stinging defeat before the forces of evil”.
The telephone conversation took place the day after the Pope made a 30-minute visit to the Russian embassy to the Holy See to relay his concern for the conflict.
Also on Friday, the Pope called Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine, asking for news on the situation in Kyiv and in Ukraine and expressing his will to do everything in his power to help. The Pope also thanked the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for its closeness to the people, for its choice to remain with the people, and for having opened up the basement of the Kyiv cathedral as a bomb shelter. He also assured the Archbishop of his prayers and offered his apostolic blessing to the suffering Ukrainian people.
Pope appeals for peace in Ukraine and open humanitarian corridors
교황님, 우크라이나에 평화를 위해 간곡한 호소를 하시며,
인도적인 통로를 열도록 간청하시다 !
I thank all those who are taking in refugees. Above all, I implore that the armed attacks cease and that negotiation - and common sense - prevail. And that international law be respected once again!
And I would also like to thank the journalists who put their lives at risk to provide information. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for this service! A service that allows us to be close to the tragedy of that population and enables us to assess the cruelty of a war. Thank you, brothers and sisters.
Let us pray together for Ukraine: we have its flags in front of us. Let us pray together, as brothers and sisters, to Our Lady, Queen of Ukraine. Hail Mary...
The Holy See is ready to do everything, to put itself at the service of this peace. In these days, two Cardinals went to Ukraine, to serve the people, to help. Cardinal Krajewski, the Almoner, to bring aid to the needy, and Cardinal Czerny, interim Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The presence of the two Cardinals there is the presence not only of the Pope, but of all the Christian people who want to get closer and say: “War is madness! Stop, please! Look at this cruelty!” "<2022/03/06/ From Vatican. va. News>