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모두가 쓸개 빠진 사람들(spiritless men)만이 몰려 다니나 봐요 !? So, that They want to have their own new commander without gall-bladder,or, like a spiritless man)!

글 : Msgr. Byon

  • 트위터
  • 페이스북
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모두가 쓸개 빠진 정신나간 사람들(people of without gall-bladder, spiritless men)만이 몰려 다니나 봐요 !? So, that, now, as They want to have their own new another commander who does everything without gall-bladder, and, like a new another spiritless man <계속>

입력 : 2023.07.03 오후 5:44:09
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