The 7th [Night of Prayer] to Our Lady the Holy Mary Mother of God in the 25th May, 2024.
For reunification of the Southern & Northern Corea,
as the Corea is only one familylike undivided country for long time before in history,
by the way of anti-war, and, by the denuclearization of war weapon.
as all the human beings of all over the world are leading a life in many various areas now, only one unique villagelike earth now, by the way of the reciprocal utilities of all the human kinds. 2024년 4월 9일 (화요일) 저녁, 총선을 하루 앞두고, 곡수공소 시골 성당, [하느님의 종], 權日身 沙右居士 紀念書齋에서, Msgr. Peter Byon.
남북한은 원래 [한 집안] 같은 한 나라이었으니, 反戰, 反核, 反共, 非核化로만 자유 통일 해야하며,
세계 인류는 본래 [한 동네]같은 같은 한 지구에 살고 있으니, 弘益人間으로 세계가 평화로이 살아야 한다.
Evening Prayer to the Holy Mary Our Lady
< For the anti-war, anti-nuclearization of the war,>
The 7th [Night of Prayer] to Our Lady
the Holy Mary Mother of God in the 25th May, 2024.
For reunification of the Southern & Northern Corea,
as the Corea is only one familylike country for many centuries in history !
by the way of anti-war and by the denuclearization of war weapon.
For heartedful peace to all the peoples in all over the world,
as the world of human beings of all over the countries are in only one unique villagelike earth now !
by the way of the reciprocal utilities of all the human kinds.
2024년 4월 9일 (화요일) 저녁, 총선을 하루 앞두고, 곡수공소 시골 성당의,
[하느님의 종], 權日身 沙右居士 紀念書齋에서, Msgr. Peter Byon.