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Economic development can not be unique an end for all the nations of our human being !


글 : Msgr. Byon

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Wind bell, 풍경(風磬)은 바람이 흔들어 주어야 소리를 냅니다. 바람이 그치면, 풍경도 소리를 그칩니다. 풍경의 소리는 풍경의 자질이 청동인지, 주석인지, 단순한 무쇠인지, 강철인지, 그 자질에 따라 소리가 다르지만, 불어오는 바람에 따라, 강풍이나 돌풍이나 미풍이나, 불어오는 바람에 따라 소리의 음색이나 음량이 다릅니다. 바람이 그치면, 풍경은 또 다른 새로운 바람이 불어와서 흔들어주기를 기다리며, 과묵하고 겸손하게 침묵하며 고요히 있답니다.
Economic development can not be unique an end
for all the nations of  our human being !
Miserable human being !
You are devoting yourselves to make always new weapons to kill people,
from whom you want to take money and the money is used to make another new weapon !
Money became your Lord now ! Quorum Deus venter est !-St.Paul.
Money, war, weapon! Human being is more bad than animals !
Now, at last, the most terrible nuclear weapon made by yourselves is waiting for you !
It is inevitable for you to meet the terrible  bombardement of nuclear fire weapon !
All the way and rules of life and materials can not but be according to their principles !
There should be moral in human society !
Goodness and peace ! They are mother and daughter for each other!
Truthfulness and justice ! They are father and son for each other !
Truth is universal and concrete for all of us in freedom !
Msgr. Peter Byon
입력 : 2016.11.18 오후 9:47:48
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