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최근 Fatima 성지에 신축된 현대식 天主 聖三位 大聖堂 규모<사진>

글 :  몬시뇰

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최근 Fatima 성지에 신축된 天主 聖三位 大聖堂
 건평 3,700 여평(평면 지붕 넓이와 바닥 넓이가 같음)에 좌석은 8,600여석, 입석은 1,000여석으로 약 1만여명 들어가는 대성당. 제단에는 합동 미사 사제들 100여명의 좌석이 있으며, 대성당 내부 둘레에는 고해성사 위주의 소성당이 3개소이며, 고해소는 모두 44개소다. 성모 발현 나무가 있는 곳을 바라보며 정문이 나 있어서, 지금 보수 중인 발현 기념성당과 마주보고 있다.  
The Shrine of Fatima has just received, with great joy, the news that the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments,by the Decree of June 19, 2012, has granted to the Shrine’s Most Holy Trinity Church the title of Minor Basilica.
 1917년 성모님은 발현 후, 성모님은 몇차례 루시아에게 성당 건립을 말씀하셨으나, 처음에는 원래 빈민촌이라서 태양의 기적을 보고도, 1차, 2차 세계대전을 겪으며, 성금이 없어서, 초라한 원두막 규모로 제단만 비를 가릴 정도로 시작하였으나, 나날이 증가하는 순례자들을 위하여, 10여년 후, 관활교구장은 1928년에서야 성모발현기념성당 건립에 착수하게 되었다.
 머리돌 정초식을 주례하면서, Leiria 교구의 교구장 요셉 주교는(당시는 Fatima가 Leiria 교구 관할이었다), 앞으로 대성당 건립을 바로 준비해야만 한다고  말하였는데, 현재 보수 중인, 성모발현기념성당이 완공되자마자 몰려오는 순례자들로 비좁아서 고전을 하였다.
그러나 매년 순례자들이 연간 약 2백만명에 달하던 1974년 당시에 장차 연간 4,5백만명 순례단이 다녀갈 것을 예상하고, 지금의 천주성삼위 대성당 건립 추진을 시작하여, 40여년 후, 2007년에서야 드디어 1만여명 수용하는 천주 성삼위 대성당을 완공하게 된 것이다. 축하를! 가난한 나라의 불모지였던 파티마 성지의 담당 사제들은 계속 밀려려오는 순례자들 수용 시설,관리를 위해 수용 능력 부족으로, 우선 다급한 일에 허둥대면서도, 마침내 드디어 대성당이,,,! 그러나 장차 다시 또 제2의 보다 더 큰 대성당이 필요하지 않을지?! -Msgr. Byon- 
<참고 자료>
 한민족100년계획천진암대성당 조감도

(The future basilic of the Chon Jin Am, that which will be constructed during more or less than 100 years for the first time and maybe the last time in the Church in Korea).
<참고 자료>
Basilica of Most Holy Trinity  in Fatima
The Church
The Church can seat 8,633 people, including 76 handicapped.
The floor slopes slightly towards the sanctuary, allowing everyone a good view of the altar from any place in the Church.
The interior is divisible into two sections by means of a 2m high moveable wall. Section I has 3,175 seats with kneelers; 58 seats are for the handicapped. Section II has 5,458 seats; 18 are for the handicapped.
The sanctuary can hold up to 100 concelebrants.
The Chapels
In the zone of Reconciliation:
Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 16 confessionals.
Chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: 12 confessionals.
Chapel of the Resurrection of Jesus: 200 seats and 16 confessionals.

 Basilica of Most Holy Trinity

  Technical Aspects
A computerized system allows for a constant illumination as well as for different levels of light, depending on the ceremonies being held, by combining the exterior light, through a greater or smaller opening of the shutters on the ceiling, with the use of artificial lighting.
The roof, an area of 12,315m2, is equipped to receive, in the future, photovoltaic panels.
The ceiling is covered with a white transparent canvas, made in Germany. The interior walls were specially treated for sound; the wall of the sanctuary is slightly inclined; the side walls are covered with ‘acustoplan’; the back wall, of white cement, has diffusive properties.
The interior face of the twelve doors of the Apostles is covered with perforated chip-board.
The ventilation, heating and air-conditioning systems allow for a regular renovation of air and temperature.
All conduits are installed underneath and bring the air to vents installed throughout the whole floor of the Church.
The first stone came from the tomb of St. Peter.
In both sides in the interior of the Church there are rooms for the media, so that they may capture images and sounds as well as follow visually the on-going celebrations.
All the wood used in walls and in the approximately 580 interior doors is cherry; for the assembly seats beech was used.
The altar, the lectern, the chairs for the celebrants and the sanctuary’s pavement are made of a special white stone; the rest of the pavement is made of a special beige stone in the interior of the Church and of a special azuline stone in all the other spaces.
A tunnel on the south side allows access to the Church for the media, safety and security personnel, ambulances and service men.

A project for the future -Author of the Project: Arch. Alexandros Tombaziz

The construction of the Church of the Most Holy Trinity was started in February. With the thought on the pilgrims of Our Lady, we hope to inaugurate this space in May of 2007. At the time of the signing of the contract for the first phase of the construction, in January, the Rector of the Shrine made a speech that specifies the context of this project. In this page we publish some parts of the speech, which will help us to know the project better.
Eighty-six years ago, last August, Our Lady, for the first and only time in all Her six apparitions, thought advisable, upon being questioned on the subject, to speak of money and material constructions. When the little Lúcia, in the apparition at Valinhos, asked Her what should be done with the donations that people left in Cova da Iria (Iria’s Hole), the Heavenly Vision answered: “Make two carriers: one for you and Jacinta to carry, as well as two little girls dressed in white; the other for Francisco to carry along with three other little boys. The money of the carriers it is to be used in the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary; and the remaining should be applied towards the building of a chapel which is to be built.”(IV Memory, page 169). It seems evident that this indication was of a symbolic character. Our Lady knew beforehand that Her Little Chapel of Apparitions would always be only a symbol. The first Bishop of Leiria, His Excellency Joseph, also knew that, in laying the first stone of the present Basilica, it wouldn’t contain all those pilgrims which already then, in 1928, and specially on the l3th of the month, filled up this blessed Cova da Iria.
We also know that the future building, with all its 9,000 seating places, won’t be able to accommodate the pilgrims in the great days of Fátima. The real church of this Shrine will continue to be — God may permit it at least while each one of us lives — this large sacred space, which we call Prayer Area.
The Shrine came to think - as it is noted in the first Study of Pastoral Organization written in 1974 - that the Fátima movement justified, better, demanded a space of worship that we already then called “new basilica”, which would have to be much larger than the present one. We were then welcoming two million pilgrims a year; today we welcome, we think, between four and five million. With the modernization of the roads and means of transportation making it easier to travel to Fátima, from Portugal and anywhere else in the world; with the school and labour conditions moving the pilgrims, first to the Sundays, then to the week-ends and to the vacations in the Summer and more and more also in the Winter; with the old and new church movements making of the pilgrimage to Fatima their annual get-together par excellence; with many of them choosing this City of Peace for journeys, seminaries and congresses; finally, with crowds larger and larger and who come more and more often to attend the liturgical celebrations, specially the Sunday Masses; the fact is the Shrine’s spaces got smaller and smaller.
At the end of the International Contest, the jury approved three of the proposals made. We then thought that there were elements sufficient enough to, instead of moving into the next phase, hold a second contest with only the three chosen ones. And that was how it came to be chosen from amongst the three, by secret ballot, Architect Alexander Tombazis, a Greek citizen.
The construction work that we are going to get started will be composed of two large bodies: that of the Reconciliation, with several underground chapels, lighted by a long corridor of natural light, located immediately after the Jubilee’s Portico, which will be taken down; the second body will be that of the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, whose main Door will be located at approximately the site of the High Cross (which also will be taken down) and it will have a diameter of 125 metres and it will occupy area up to the border with the Bishop José Alves Correia da Silva Avenue.
The choice of this place - Little Chapel of the Apparitions - for this ceremony (signing of the first construction contract) is an act of faith and hope. We wrote in 1996, in the leaflet setting out the programme, that the relationship of GECA with the place where we hold this ceremony “cannot be other than harmonious complementarity, since the Little Chapel of Apparitions, built in the place where Our Lady appeared, is, together with the image which is here venerated, the original place of the Shrine, that is, the place where the totality of the pilgrims and visitors arrives in and from where they depart.
Our hope is that this project will mean a great step forward in the task of welcoming the pilgrims, who come to live the message of Fatima.
We understand certain number of people (according to a survey done, around ten percent of those questioned), some of whom we joyfully respect for being great pilgrims of Fatima, who are of opinion that the pastoral tasks of the Shrine could or should be pointed in other directions, be it wether to build or not to build, be it which site to select, be it still which proposal or firm to choose. The best way for us to manifest to all of them our respect is to tell them that we have always pondered at the proper time, the different opinions communicated to us, which in most cases already had been considered in our meetings. We all know, however, how, even in our individual conscience, different options are put before us and that we are to choose one so that we do not come to a halt.
SEPE (Portuguese acronym for Pilgrim Services) is in charge of servicing the needs of every pilgrim who comes to the Shrine of Fátima. It is very important for every pilgrim or group of pilgrims to take advantage, the best way possible, of the time available for a better approach to God, Our Lady and the Message left here by Her.
And the service to the Pilgrims is done not only by the people but also by the sacred spaces.
The information data here presented refer to the year of 2003. They are the proof that we need a space that can receive between 1,000 and 3,000 seated pilgrims. Regarding a space with capacity to seat up to 9,000, we conclude that it would be very convenient, although it may not look absolutely necessary.
We accept that the capacity of the present Basilica may shelter up to 1,000 people (seated and non-seated). Now GECA (Portuguese acronym for large covered space for assemblies) will be able to be divided into two separate spaces (by a moveable solid curtain), each with a capacity of 3,000 and 9,000 seated persons respectively.
We now give a picture of the prayer celebrations and the pastoral activities held last year, which are like an anticipated vision of what might happen after the new church is built.
Celebrations with a number of participants between 1,000 and 9,000, in 2003:
Nr. of participants                            Nr. Celebrations                                      Total
                                Oficial Masses  Private Masses   Other Celebrations
Between 1,000             363             110                      68                                 541
& 3,000

Between 3,000                    55               14                       3                                 72
& 9,000
TOTAL                            418              124                      71                                613
NOTE: “Other Celebrations”: Adoration: 3; Penitential Celebration: 1; Lauds: 5; Prayer: 57; Vigil. : 5. Total 71.
However, besides these prayer celebrations, the new space may be able to accommodate pastoral activities that are beyond the capacity of the Pastoral Centre, that is, 2200 seating places. Such activities, in 2003, totalled 18. Adding that to the 613 of the above picture it comes to a total of 631. From amongst these celebrations and pastoral activities, 557 would be able to be held in GECA 1, that is, the area of 3,000 seating places, while the remainder 74 celebrations/pastoral activities would have to be held using the whole GECA (9,000 seating places), meaning the whole Church of the Most Holy Trinity.
However, we believe that, once this new structure is built, new initiatives will arise which will tend to use it even more often.
* www.SantuariodeFatima 

입력 : 2014.10.23 오전 12:22:57
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